Assistive Technology
Assistive Technology (AT)
Assistive Technology (AT) refers to the materials, equipment, tools, objects and devices and strategies that allow individuals to live with greater independence.
The words themselves may sound complex, but assistive technology can be as simple as Velcro fasteners on a pair of shoes or shirt. AT can be designed by a manufacturer to meet a specific need, or be an everyday item that is used creatively. It includes everything in the spectrum from a sticky-note to specific types of computer software.
We like to think of AT as Tools for Living – enhancing the freedom, functionality, and ability of people to live independently. The purpose of the AT program is to provide consumers with as much information as possible about AT products. We empower consumers to advocate for themselves.

Nick Feldman Device Lending Library
Are you trying to find out what tablets have the accessibility features that work for you? Do you need a temporary ramp to make your event accessible?
Have you heard about some technological innovation, and wonder if it would be useful to you? Are you looking for gadgets to help you cook more easily?
The Nick Feldman Device Lending Library is a great resource.
About the Lending Library
The Nick Feldman Device Lending Library offers a variety of assistive technology solutions for short term loan. You can try devices before you buy them, borrow a device for a short term project, or accommodate a visiting friend or colleague. From low tech items like support canes and large print playing cards, to internet capable devices such as tablets and laptops with assistive technology software, the Nick Feldman device lending library has something for everyone.
People with disabilities who live in the State of California, as well as professionals serving people with disabilities, can borrow items free of charge for 30 days.
The Nick Feldman Device lending library is a proud partner of Ability Tools.
Who was Nick Feldman
Nick Feldman was a young man with a disability who fully embraced Assistive Technology (AT), and encouraged others to explore the ever-growing range of devices that can help people with disabilities overcome barriers to access. He was a staunch advocate for the rights of people with disabilities, and a good friend to ILRCSF. When ILRCSF moved to our new, accessible, purpose-built location, we thought it fitting to name our Device Lending Library in his memory. Nick’s enthusiasm about evolving technology’s potential to be of value to people with disabilities, and the joy he took in helping other people develop strategies for addressing the challenges they faced made this an easy decision.
The Nick Feldman Device Lending Library is more than just named in his honor. It stands for his ideals regarding technology and independent living and, through it, we are able able to carry out the work of helping people with disabilities access the tools they need to do the things they want to do, and live the lives they want to live.
The ongoing generosity of Nick’s family and friends has made it possible for ILRCSF to expand the Nick Feldman Device Lending Library, and offer consumers a range of AT options that is unparalleled in the Bay Area.
In the words of Nick’s mother, Julie Feldman:
Nick confidently believed that future technology would bring solutions. He embraced this technology, himself – always eager to learn about the latest innovations, and try them out, first hand. He encouraged others to be bold and do the same. When it came to technology and accessibility, Nick acknowledged that progress could be slow, and was often measured in baby steps; but there was progress. He saw this, and he saw it as a reason for people with disabilities of all kinds to be optimistic about technology’s potential as a tool for gaining maximum independence.

To borrow a device, or learn more about the lending library, call Marisol Ferrante at 628-231-2696 or fill out the form below.
AT Services Request Form
Please fill out the following form, and the AT educator will contact you.
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