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Monday, October 28, 2024
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

825 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA

Be Seen for Halloween!

Join the GOAT Team and ILRCSF’s Nick Feldman Wheelchair Repair Program for Night Safety: Adding lights, reflectors, and other safety features to mobility equipment

Free, hands-on workshop. Using LED light strips, portable battery packs, wheelchair battery adapter kits, holographic reflective tape, and bolt-
on bike reflectors, we will offer a workshop where people can experiment and get help with custom-made safety and lighting modifications for
wheelchairs, powerchairs, walkers, canes, and more.

We will inspect your devices and discuss what would work best for you and fit your style. Together, we can find what can be added to your equipment
to make you safer at night. This should be a fun peer-skill-sharing event as we all share new ideas!

While you’re at the workshop, you can schedule a free mobility device maintenance and repair inspection with Vince Lopez, ILRCSF’s Wheelchair

Limited to 20 participants.

RSVP: Email Vincent Lopez @, or call or text Vincent @ 415-609-2555

Workshop hosts:
Liz Henry-Grassroots Open Assistive Tech (GOAT)

Vince Lopez-ILRCSF-Mobility Device Technician

ILRCSF is wheelchair accessible and provides reasonable
accommodations upon advanced request. For any accessibility needs
please email us at, or call (415) 543-6222.
Our office is scent-free to ensure full accessibility to people with disabilities.
Please do not wear scented products when visiting our office. Thank you!