Sunday, October 04, 2020
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Join a conversation with Alice Wong, editor of Disability Visibility: First Person Stories from the Twenty-first Century
About this Event
Join us for the next installment of the Disability Book Series, with Alice Wong, editor of Disability Visibility: First Person Stories from the Twenty-first Century and founder of Disability Visibility.
How to Join
This event is free and will be on Zoom. We will send the Zoom access link to everyone who registers in advance for this program. Registration closes on 10/4 at 4 pm.
Click this link to register:
About Alice Wong
Alice Wong (she/her) is a disabled activist, media maker, and consultant. She is the Founder and Director of the Disability Visibility Project® (DVP), an online community dedicated to creating, sharing and amplifying disability media and culture created in 2014. Currently, Alice is the Editor of Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the Twenty-first Century, an anthology of essays by disabled people, available now (June 30, 2020) by Vintage Books.
This event will have both ASL interpreters and live CART captioning services.
For any additional accessibility needs, please contact Peter Estes at (415) 546-1333 ext 309 or
About the Disability Book Series
The intent of this book reading series is to highlight authors with disabilities, disabled writers, and to interrogate ableism and societal conceptions of disability. We welcome any and all suggestions for future authors, free venues in San Francisco, and feedback as to how our events can be more accessible, inclusive, or generally better.